Apply Yourself The Advancement Spot Podcast

Anshikha (1080 × 300 px) (1080 × 500 px) (1080 × 400 px)
Ep. 9 - Applying to Graduate Schools with Anshikha
In this week’s episode, I have the pleasure of introducing our very first guest on the podcast! Meet Anshikha, a dear client of mine, who is graduating this semester from her undergraduate program and...
Mastering exam time with 4 foundational strategies (1080 × 630 px)
Ep. 8 - Mastering Exam Time with 4 Foundational Strategies
At this time of year, I often think of my clients and students who are completing higher education and about to enter their exam period. In contrast, If you don’t have exams, your time is usually being...
Episode 7 Artwork
Ep. 7 - 3 Strategies to Boost Your Advancement Today
In this episode, I give you 3 actionable strategies and tools to help increase your productivity and further your advancement, while also maintaining your health and well-being – even during high...
growth vs
Ep. 6 - Advancement and Your Growth vs. Scarcity Mindset
In today’s episode, I discuss the importance of a growth mindset in your advancement journey. In my experience, I believe that developing a constructive, productive, health-conscious mindset is about 90%...
Copy of Podcast Episode 2 Artwork (1)
Ep. 5 - Overcoming "Imposter Syndrome"
In this episode, I unpack the concept of imposter syndrome, why it holds people back, and provide strategies to overcome this popular, self-imposed label. “Imposter syndrome” is a term, often used in academic...