
The Art of To-Do Lists
The Art of To-Do Lists 
Managing your to-do list effectively can be a game-changer when it comes to productivity and reducing stress. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or someone juggling multiple responsibilities,...
What is the Role of the Admissions Committee?
You’ve worked hard on your university application package and feel proud and confident after hitting the “Submit” button in their student portal, which sends it to the school’s admissions committee for...
Members of The Success Society
What is the Apply Yourself™ Experience Like?
What I love most about working with our clients is hearing their stories and helping them discover their incredible, unique qualities – and then transforming them into materials (both written and...
Sign saying Don't let your fear of failure hold you back
Conquering Your Fear of Failure in Your University Applications
The prospect of failure is scary. Many of us are afraid that failure will send us into a downward spiral that we’ll never come out of. We’re worried that we’ll disappoint and embarrass our family, friends,...
Graduate student considering all of his options for University Programs.
Should I Apply to More than One Program at the Same University?
Many students are laser-focused on attending a specific top-rated school because of its world-class reputation, learning environment, and quality of instructors. One tactic some students have adopted to...
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