Ep. 21 – From Lawyer to Storyteller with Shaun Bernstein

I am so pleased to welcome this week’s guest, Shaun Bernstein! Shaun is a good friend and colleague who is a journalist turned-lawyer, turned-storyteller, and owner of The Write Stuff Agency, which he founded in 2019 as an open-ended, content writing business. Since then, The Write Stuff Agency has blossomed to help various businesses across many industries tell their stories through web copies, blogs, newsletter articles, e-books, reports, and other storytelling media. 


Shaun gets really honest with us in this episode and provides insight into his own winding journey to law school, his experiences as a lawyer, and his eventual change in career paths. He discusses his academic background, his immense passion for storytelling, his personal health journey, his experience as a mature law student, and his perseverance in striving for the life he wants for himself. 


Listen to this episode to learn more about: 

  • Shaun’s personal, academic, and professional journeys, which took many twists and turns to get him to where he is today, 

  • Shaun’s experience writing and studying for the LSAT and how it’s totally okay to write a standardized test multiple times – this shouldn’t be a point of shame for applicants because this absolutely does not define who you are or will be as a professional or as a student, 

  • Shaun’s law school journey, and how his previous experiences and his graduate degree in journalism shaped his personal growth and outlook on law school, and 

  • Shaun’s mental health journey and his choice to pursue a different career path that is informed by his passions and his own goals in life – and why it is so important to be in personal and professional alignment with ourselves.   


Want to connect with us at Apply Yourself: The Advancement Spot and continue this discussion on winding, twisting journeys, personal health, and professional advancement? You can always email me personally at hello@applyyourselfglobal.com. You can also DM me on Instagram @applyyourselfglobal –  Let me know about how your own advancement journey is going! 


>>> Calling all applicants! It’s time!! Our signature course, Mastering Academic Applications: From Scratch to Submission is OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT with the Summer Cohort ready to start on July 11th! Are you with me? Ready for your application development over the summer! Adrienne’s Enrollment Calendar is now OPEN! Book your strategy call HERE to enroll now!


Want to learn more about how Adrienne can help you advance strategically? Book your Strategy Call HERE

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