Ep. 4 – 5 Struggles that Applicants Face and Strategies to Overcome Them (Part 2)

Preparing an application doesn’t have to be a scary, complicated process. In last week’s episode, we discussed 2 common struggles in the application process and asked the following question: How can I develop the skills necessary to create the best application that fits and aligns with me?

In this Part Two episode, I talk about 3 out of 5 common struggles in the application process and give you key strategies to overcome them. Here are the main takeaways: 

  1. Not visualizing your success? → Listen to this episode to learn how to engage in visualization, including a short visualization exercise! Visualize where you want to be on a daily basis!
  2. Letting other people’s expectations dictate you and your path? → Use visualization techniques to visualize yourself and your own goals, expectations, and values – fill in your own puzzle!
  3. Not strategizing your time management? → Develop your calendar, diarize all priorities, block off time for self-care, do a social media clean up, write down where and how you spend your time, and much, much more! 

Preparing an application is a long term commitment that requires hard work and meaningful self-reflection, and we’re here to help you! I hope you learn some strategies that you can use to further your success and advancement in many areas of your life. 

If you want to discuss what strategies work for you and connect with us at Apply Yourself: The Advancement Spot, you can email me personally at hello@applyyourselfglobal.com. Feel free to DM me on Instagram @applyyourselfglobal –  Let me know what strategies you use in your application process! 

Want to learn more about how Adrienne can help you advance strategically? Book your Strategy Call HERE

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Resources and links mentioned in this episode: 

Episode 2: Adrienne’s Professional Path 
Episode 3: 5 Struggles that Applicants Face and Strategies to Overcome Them (Part 1)